Giudici e giustizia in Afghanistan

Una magistratura indipendente e competente e’ un elemento fondamentale di un apparato statale stabile e affidabile, in Afghanistan come altrove. Quando i talebani hanno ripreso in mano l’Afghanistan nell’agosto del 2021, molti giudici, in particolare giudici donne, hanno ritenuto che non ci fosse piu’ spazio per loro nel paese. Nel giugno 2020 ho intervistato la …

The Judiciary and the Evacuation: Interview with Afghan Judge Tayeba Parsa

Antonio: Would you like to share your personal trajectory and the experiences that led you to become a judge? Tayeba: On the eve of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, my parents fled to Iran, fearing what would happen if they remained, and determined to avoid my father being conscripted. My siblings and I learned tailoring …

The political potential of responsibility in domestic humanitarianism

This post is part of a series linked to the workshop “Assessing the Anthropology of Humanitarianism: Ethnography, Impact, Critique”. ———————————————– Operation Sovereign Borders Even on a frozen winter’s night, the queue snaked around the corner. Taking seats in the Melbourne warehouse for the prospective volunteer information evening, the chatter died down as the charismatic CEO …